Shark Tank India is an Indian business reality television series that aired on SET India. Show is the Indian franchise of the American show Shark
Bill Gates is one of the greatest advisers of reading. He has time and again emphasized the importance of reading. Which are his ultimate favorites among the hundreds and dozens of titles he’s highlighted throughout
Forgiveness is sometimes portrayed as the “happily ever after” denouement to a narrative of crime or injustice. The traditional narrative is that someone does hurt, but afterwards realizes their mistake and gives a genuine remorse.
In Feb this year, I turned 29. So, I decided to sit back and reflect on these 29 years of my life. Upon reflecting, I’ve come up with 29 lessons from my life so far.
Bangalore Days a Malayalam movie directed by Anjali Menon was a super hit movie in 2014. Marking 7 years of the movie I decided to watch the movie once again to find out what are
Shark Tank India is an Indian business reality television series that aired on SET India. Show is the Indian franchise of the American show Shark
Four More Shots Please! is an Indian streaming television series on Amazon Prime Video directed by Anu Menon and Nupur Asthana. The series follows the story of four
For the longest period of time when I thought about my flaws I always felt that I need to fix something in myself. I need
Prologue Lekha, are you paying attention to the class?, a chalk came flying to her desk bringing her attention back. Ah, um! Yes ma’am. Sorry.
i) It’s Ok if priorities change: While growing up and seeing both my parents working hard as teachers I’ve always thought I would be a major
We’ve all made the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously sometimes. The good news? For most of us, delusions of grandeur stay in our heads.