This is the quote that everyone should keep in mind. I do feel that being at a position of comfort and achieving anything is difficult. We all need to get up and move out of this zone and work hard to achieve anything in life. One needs to time and again keep in mind that being in comfort zone is the biggest hurdle in our growth.
We are all created to fly. To live by the incredible potential that we all have been invested with. But often we sit in our comfort zone clinging to the things that are familiar to us. Remaining stuck in our comfort zones. Not willing to venture out and take risks. The possibilities are endless, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered. Because we continue to conforn to the familiar, the comfortable and the mundane. So most of our lives are mediocre instead of thrilling, exciting and fulfilling.
We all need to understand ourselves why we are not moving out of the comfort zone. Once we understand the reasons for clinging to the comfortable we, need to work towards getting up and coming out of comfort. I believe that unless we move out of the comfort zone and free ourselves we can never take off and reach new heights in our lives.

So dear readers, what are you waiting for? Move out of comfort zone and take your flight.
14 Responses
Nice post
Thanks a lot. Your encouragement takes me a long way
Thanks a lot. Your encouragement takes me a long way
Truly motivational
Thanks a lot. Your encouragement takes me a long way
Thanks a lot. Your encouragement takes me a long way
Dear Keen Writer,
Once again, thanks for this timely reminder. I too acknowledge that only by taking meaningful risks have I reached where I am today, and I have many more miles to go. I remember it was uncomfortable each time facing the obstacles, but everything works out in our favour in the end. The universe loves a stubborn heart! And I am proud of myself for evolving into better and best versions of me through these growth points. After all, everything that we desire is waiting for us at the other end of fear, and the only way out is through.
Thanks for reminding to not settle into the familiar and safe, but to embrace the uncertainty of life sometimes. Yes, that is what I will do.
I appreciate that your blog inspires me. I thank you for making it exist in the first place. May you inspire many, many more.
Keep writing!
Thanks a lot. I’m glad and happy that my blogs can bring inspiration to you and also are constant reminders to you about life as a whole. Keep supporting and reading my blogs. Your encouragement takes me a long way. I promise that will bring forth more good content for you.
Thanx moni superb
Thanks a lot. Your encouragement takes me a long way
There is a time and place for everything.
great content, i like it