Cartoons or animated moves are only for kids. Do you think so? Let’s find out.
Below is a simple list of animated movies that I think are definitely not for kids. I feel that every adult who loves watching animated movies should watch them.

A flying house and a boy scoot . Surely it’s a movie for kids? No! If you weren’t sad after watching Carl live on without Ellie, you are a psychopath. I don’t think kids will understand the emotion of separation so easily.

A talking rat who is a cook, this has to be a kids movie, right? No! Kids don’t care about ambitions and dreams. Adults do. This movie is an inspiration for one and all to follow their dreams.

A lion befriends a warthog and meerkat. Kids movie for sure? No! This is so much more. It’s a story of betrayal, living in guilt, politics, having friends by your side, and redemption. I don’t think so that, kids understand any of these.

A singing skeleton and a kid. This has to be for kids. No! It’s a story of a father who was separated from his family, of a grandmother who almost forgot her father, and a boy who learns the value of family. I don’t think so kids with families will understand the value of separation at a young age.

A panda who knows kung fu. It’s a movie for kids, agree with me? Fine this is a movie for kids. But more importantly it’s a movie of a panda who has worked very hard to be where he is. This movie has taught us the importance of achieving success through hard work something kids learn later on in life.
2 Responses
Dear Keen Writer,
I feel that animated movies are for the child in all of us, irrespective of age, a genre that can express and emote way beyond what live action can attain. Animated films are my favorite.
I particularly love Studio Ghibli and Pixar films, the former has breathtaking movies that are definitely catered to the intelligence of kids.
Also, indeed kids may not understand hardcore adult experiences like separation, loss, betrayal, rockbottom, family dynamics and such, but they too have emotional intelligence. More importantly, their mind is open to possibilities which we shut off as adults.
I feel it would be an interesting exercise to watch animated movies with kids and hear what they felt strongly.
Dear Harshi,
Yes, It would be interesting to get the perspective of a kid on the animated movie.
Kids do sometimes come up with some very unusual observations which we as adults sometimes miss. Also agree that Kids too have emotional intelligence.
More importantly, their mind is open to possibilities which we shut off as adults.