This is  one of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou because it is so true and it goes for everything in your life.
This phrase has a simple and clear meaning to it. I feel that it means that we often make mistakes because we don’t know the right way to do stuff. Once we learn the right way we understand and learn from our mistake and change it and don’t repeat it again. Learning from our mistakes is important and have discussed in length about it in my previous blog post.
Basically they say it’s no use to hold grudges towards your past or hold yourself hostage to who you were and what you were and what you did before, when you didn’t know better. At some point in time and with many more experiences, you might come to realize a certain truth about yourself, or about life. At this juncture in time. You now know better, so you must seek to do better, so you must seek to do better.
“know Thy self,” and “To Thy Own Self Be True.” Greek wisdom. If you know better and now seek to do better; you remain true to yourself. Because in the end, you are dancing on this earth for a short period of time.
Have you ever wondered what will happen if you admit that you’re not perfect and that’s okay? Most of the times we  screw up and that’s okay, as we’re humans and  it is bound to happen and guess what? when you know better you will do better. So today my friends don’t be so hard on yourself, its okay, you will screw up, you will fall on your face, Hell, I do it all the time and then tell the world about it.
When you know better, you do better  sense because we learn, we overcome and we improve and grow. 

Authored By

The Keen Writer

The Keen Writer

Monideepa Mrinal Roy has a Master's degree in French language and literature. She is a passionate reader. She is multilingual. She gives expression to her thoughts and views through the print media. She is the founder cum editor at .

5 Responses

  1. Dear Keen Writer,
    This is such a beautiful quote and guidance for navigating life. It's important to forgive ourselves for what we didn't know before we knew it. After all, the point of life itself is growth and evolution.
    And Maya Angelou is quite a phenomenal lady who has many more such gems for motivation.
    Grateful that you keep writing, inspiring and reminding us of things that really matter.
    Much love!

  2. Hi dear, excellent; I just thought about what we tell to students frequently, learn from mistakes, don't be scared but shouldn't repeat the same; this is the view of Jessy ma'am too, as I learned it from her. What you have written is so encouraging. May God Bless You.

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