How do you feel about this statement? Does it resonate with truth for you,or does it sound clichéd and trite? Do you find comfort in those words or do they do nothing for you?

The idea that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is based on the theory that by going through difficult experiences, people build up their strength for the next possibly more painful event that may occur. I feel that  this is like ona honour for people who have come out brave and strong from bad sufferings in life.

I associate this quote along with lines of Oscar Wilde

For me this is meant to inspire an attitude of  resilience and determination. The idea is that with the proper understanding and attitude a man can stand up to  anything at all and still progress in life.

I feel that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is true because it’s only the strong who survive; and so they are stronger. I believe that people could become better, greater and smarter by facing adversities, you weren’t simply borne better like some people believe.

 I believe that one gets stronger each time one overcome a problem. Everyone struggles in their life and very few have the courage to come out of these struggles and stand tall. Most people give up as soon as they see that it is not working in their favour. One should always learn to enjoy failures and not crib about bad days.  Amidt this pandemic we are learning to stay strong and do all possibilities to find solutions to come out of this. In the scenario this phrase is very apt for us and we can use it as positive affirmation.

I believe that one gets stronger each time one overcome a problem. Everyone struggles in their life and very few have the courage to come out of these struggles and stand tall. Most people give up as soon as they see that it is not working in their favour. One should always learn to enjoy failures and not crib about bad days.  Amidt this pandemic we are learning to stay strong and do all possibilities to find solutions to come out of this. In the scenario this phrase is very apt for us and we can use it as positive affirmation.

Authored By

The Keen Writer

The Keen Writer

Monideepa Mrinal Roy has a Master's degree in French language and literature. She is a passionate reader. She is multilingual. She gives expression to her thoughts and views through the print media. She is the founder cum editor at .

10 Responses

  1. Dear Keen Writer,
    I totally agree with you that the strongest souls have gone through severe challenges and pain. But this particular quote, honestly, makes me squeamish. Yes, if one is alive, one still has time. Nevertheless, let's not undermine the experience of those who cannot find the strength to face their challenges, even choose voluntary death over excruciating existence. There are several non-killer challenges like grief, loneliness, depression, surviving trauma, heartbreak etc., which leave an individual devastated and unable to fight back. Their plight literally breaks them down. And it takes an almighty effort of will to even find a reason to go on. I think it's this spark of human spirit which ultimately helps the individual to climb out of the darkness that makes them strong, not necessarily what happened to them.
    Yours faithfully.

    1. As usual I await for your valuable feedback on my blog. You are one such person who always motivates me to bring the best of me out. Thanks a lot for being my consistent reader

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