I am thrilled to introduce Anupam Karangle to my readers. A young man who has already added numerous feathers to his cap. Anupam was born in Nagpur, Maharashtra, the Orange City of India. He has a master’s degree in marine science. He is a professional marine scientist. He is a published poet, screenwriter, amazing storyteller, and teacher in addition to being a marine scientist. Aside from that, my friend is a true artist at heart. Anupam has been writing for more than 15 years and is now working on his second book.
My buddy recently founded the performing arts community UNTHOUGHT TALES in 2020. This community organizes and manages artists from many sectors of art, as well as provides freelancing possibilities in the domains of art, literature, and entertainment.
In an interview with Monideepa Mrinal Roy (The Keen Writer), Anupam explores a variety of significant life lessons that we may all utilize as a dose of inspiration in our own lives. I hope this interview encourages and inspires you to pursue your passion even if you have a full-time job.