7 Simple Steps to Beat Emotional Baggage: How to Become Whole, Healed, Healthy & Happy by Anita Washington published in the year 2017 is a short book that is packed to the brim with helpful information for anyone looking to change their lives. This book is without question a powerful step by step well-explained journey that will take the reader on a path that will aid in the healing of one’s fractured emotions.
With seven simple steps: Life Mapping, Track and Trace Your Life, Dispose of Distractions, Celebrating Self, Inner Peace and Quiet, Performance Review, and finally, Gratitude and Give Back.
Anita lays out a plan to take back your life. With wit and humor, this is a very accessible book that is easy to read and highly motivational. Uplifting and filled with grace for everyone, Anita has tapped into seeing the potential in every life, and with just a few simple steps, you can easily empower yourself and improve your life as well as your impact on others’ lives. A helpful book for everyone, this book is well worth a read. Highly recommend.
Ms. Washington provides, in great clarity, several powerful insights into the emotional psyche of a human being. One such insight is that we basically adhere to two human emotions. Those emotions are fear and love. She then shares with the reader how we respond to fear. We can both manage it and proceed or we stay on the treadmill of fear.
Finally, what spoke the loudest, is the author’s authentic concern for the emotional well-being of her audience. So much so, that she invites correspondence through professional channels.
Her Preface sets the tone of the wisdom that follows – Welcome to the first step in your transformational journey! The 7-Step Method is simple to understand but difficult to execute. The difficulty comes when you have to visually relive negative experiences and decide and choices that will differ from anything you’ve ever done, choices that will affect the rest of your life.
She divides her book into sections – Are you following the crowd?, Is your life stuck in neutral, do this now to avoid lifetime regret, and then she continues with her well explained seven steps: – Step One: Life Mapping, Step Two: Track & Trace Your Life, Step Three: Dispose of Distractions, Step Four: Celebrating Self, Step Five: Inner Peace & Quiet, Step Six: Annual Performance Review Equation, and Step Seven: Gratitude & Give Back.
Healthy, helpful and entertaining all at once, Anita knows how to keep her readership’s attention focused. This is a fine little book that stands to help many women (and men). Leave the pain of the past behind and create a re-vision for your future.
You can grab a copy of the book by clicking on the link below https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Steps-Beat-Emotional-Baggage-ebook/dp/B072SVKGTH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1QPGGXYOCN271&dchild=1&keywords=7+simple+steps+to+beat+emotional+baggage&qid=1615361730&sprefix=7+steps+to+emotional+bagga%2Caps%2C445&sr=8-1
Do let me know in the comments below if you grab the book and read it and are benefitted by the read.
2 Responses
very appropriate post
Dear Keen Writer,
Thanks for introducing this book. Tools for dealing with emotional baggage is something every human must know and use. Although, a word to the wise, in case where a person has traumatic experiences in their quota of negative life experiences, reliving it is not an appropriate approach, rather take guidance from a “trauma-informed” therapist and proceed from there.
Do recommend more transformational books!