Journaling is the habit of keeping a diary or log about experiences, ideas  insights and anything else that life in a minds. In short journaling is writing our thoughts down.

Journal writing is a powerful tool that opens  the path to back together greater insights and self knowledge. I feel that journaling is the door for the writer to express personal impressions, daily experiences evolving inside as well as reflections.

Everyone has different reasons why they journal. There are multitude of types of journal to be kept,  and many people keep specific ones for different aspects of life. From travel journals to dream journals to prayer  journals, you can write yours about anything. It doesn’t even need to be about anything specific, just simply getting your thoughts down on paper is a great habit.

There are many benefits of keeping a journal, but I feel that journaling is helpful when used as an outlet to create, experiment and manage various parts of our life. It gives you a place to practice writing techniques, flesh  out ideas as well as just keeping a record of times you never want to forget or things you need to remember.

In modern times most of the successful people have a habit of maintaining a journal. Most people have made it a point to maintain journal entries as soon as they wake up in the morning and before going to bed. Making a journal entry in the morning will help to plan for the day ahead and chalk out the tasks to be done. At the end of the day it is important to sit down and reflect on the entire day and checkout unfinished work.  This way life becomes easy and we’re able to lead a very good life.

For me personally journaling has helped to be clutter-free and keep my mind free of negative thoughts. Whenever I get negative thoughts I prefer to put them off by writing about them. This habit has helped me to stay organised and work more efficiently. Each night when I put my thoughts down on paper it give me a good sleep. Sleep without too much worry.

When I journal I write down entire day’s happenings and experiences. This help me in identifying various mistake that I’ve  made or decisions that have proven to unfruitful. I’ve learnt so much from this.  I would recommend to you my readers to take up this habit of journaling and see the benefits for yourself. Try this habit for 21 days and see the positive impact it has in your life.

Authored By

The Keen Writer

The Keen Writer

Monideepa Mrinal Roy has a Master's degree in French language and literature. She is a passionate reader. She is multilingual. She gives expression to her thoughts and views through the print media. She is the founder cum editor at .

4 Responses

  1. Dear Keen Writer,
    As you have already the privilege of knowing me personally as an avid 'journalist', a habit which I still practice from the times you and I were together, I just want to shout out a HOORAY to this article.
    Journaling allows me to spend quality time with myself and get to know my deeper nature as well. I can be freaking whoever I want to be during that sacred time. How wonderful is that!
    Keep writing!

    1. Thanks a lot. I just thought of you when I was writing this blog. I took inspiration from you only to maintain a journal. Thanks once again for your support

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